
Bruno Mandel

Bio: I am really tall. I have many tales. None are tall tales. Friends and family have been urging me to create a blog of all of the ridiculous situations II have faced regularly in my life. Call it what you will: destiny, serendipity, synchronicity, coincidence, insanity, etc. Most people say to me, “this crazy life always happens to you!” I say, “I happen to life.” From an early age I began seeing the world differently than most. A mix of intuition and life-intoxication have not caused me to bring spice to life, rather I bring out the flavors and visions that are already there that most others never pay attention to. That is how life is; ridiculous, funny, sad, unpredictable, beautiful, and all over the map. This is a living memoir according to that ideology. Please keep in touch, click "follow" and look for my book “I Can’t Take Me Anywhere” coming out soon. It contains many similar stories covered in my blog surrounding my life-changing experiences from growing up in the military and working for Mother Theresa’s mission in India to performing opera in Europe and living in the Appalachian Mountains with old mining mountain folk. Feel free to connect with me. Send Email! All comments, feedbacks, constructive criticisms, and niceties welcome. Snarkinesses, bigotries, ignorances, negativities, gossips,and hatreds can just stay on your side of the interwebs.

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6 thoughts on “About

  1. Happy Belated Bacon Day! Your writing ability really puts the reader in the moment and makes them feel and see what or the event you are writing about. That is a very unique and amazing talent. Well done Bryan, love this and I can not wait for MORE!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Really? We have to leave snarkiness at the front door? Mr. King of Snarkiness? You know it is a talent that you inherited. I got my share too.


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